Customer Care

Consumer satisfaction is highly significant to us. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase or any part of the service that we have given, please communicate with us to discuss the problem before leaving negative or neutral feedback or low detailed seller ratings. We strive to please and will do our very best to resolve any matters. 

Privacy & Safety

What information do we collect? 

We gather data from you when you register on our website, place a purchase, subscribe to our weekly updates, reply to a survey, or fill out a questionnaire.

When buying or enrolling on our site, you may be asked to enter your: Full name, e-mail, mailing address, telephone number, or credit/Debit card data. You may, still, visit our website anonymously.

What do we use your information for?

Any of the data we obtain from you may be utilized in one of the following ways: ​​

  • To personalize your activity (your data helps us to respond to your personal needs adequately) 

  • To enhance our website (we continually strive to update our website offerings based on the data and feedback we collect from you)

  • To better our consumer service (your data benefits us to reply to your customer service inquiries, and support demands more efficiently) 

  • To process sales (your data, whether public or hidden, will not be violated, traded, sold, or given to any other organization for any purpose whatsoever, without your permission, other than for the primary purpose of delivering the purchased goods or assistance requested)

How do we protect your information? 

We complete a variety of security standards to sustain the safety of your personal data when you place an order, submit, or access your personal information. 

We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit data is transferred via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted in our Payment gateway providers database exclusively to be available by those authorized with special access rights to such systems, and are obligated to maintain the information privately. 

After purchase, your private info(credit/Debit cards, financials, etc.) will not be saved on our servers.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

If we determine to modify our privacy policy, we will post those revisions on this page.

Your Consent

By utilizing our website, you comply with our online privacy policy.

Payment Methods

Our Policy is Free Home Delivery on (COD) cash on delivery.  In some order there are full or half advance payment, therefore, we have the facility of (bank transfer, easy paisa, and JAZZ Cash etc). We cannot take checks. We continue actively working on allowing more sorts of payment.